За гуманізм, за демократію, за громадянську та національну згоду!
Газету створено Борисом Федоровичем Дерев'янком 1 липня 1973 року
Громадсько-політична газета


Lecture and Conversation About Poets from Around the World – with Ilya Kaminsky

№39—40 (11279—11280) // 18 мая 2023 г.
Lecture and Conversation About Poets from Around the World – with Ilya Kaminsky

Fundraising for refugees and writers in a country at war.

We will look at poets from Ukraine and from around the world and ask: what and how can we learn from them? In this time of crisis, what can poetry do? How can we learn from other poets to make craft that sustains, that stands up for us, that probes deeper into what is possible.

How do poets learn?

We will look at poets from numerous traditions, languages and cultures, and further ask: what is our place in this international conversation? How can we write the kind of poetry that in a time of crisis allows us to address our world?

This will be a three hour conversation on Zoom about various different poets and poetics. I will bring various examples, mini-lectures, and prompts, and answer your questions.

When: Saturday, June 10, 2023 1pm Eastern Time (10am Pacific time)

Attendance fee: $100

All proceeds from your attendance fee will be donated to the following organizations: 1) War Refugee Center and food bank in Odesa, Ukraine, 2) Evening Odesa newspaper that continues to fight corruption and cover culture even during bombardments and electricity outages and 3) Odesa UNESCO City of Literature Program that benefits Odesa poets.


When your Pay Pal donation is processed you will receive zoom link and registration info. If you prefer to donate by method other than Pay Pal, please email us at the above email address. Thank you.


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Создана Борисом Федоровичем Деревянко 1 июля 1973 года
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